Kim Hieora’s Agency Denies School Bully Allegations, Releases Statement

Kim Hieora, the star of ‘The Uncanny Encounter 2’ and ‘The Glory,’ has been at the center of controversy due to allegations of her involvement in school bullying. Dispatch, a media outlet, recently reported that Kim Hieora was part of a group at S Girls’ Middle School known for bullying, blackmail, and verbal assaults. This report has significantly impacted her reputation and career. In response, Kim Hieora’s agency, Gram Entertainment, has issued a statement addressing these allegations and warning of legal action against false information.

The Allegations

Dispatch’s report claimed that Kim Hieora was associated with the Big Sangji group at S Girls’ Middle School, which had a notorious reputation for bullying and other misconduct. This report led to widespread speculation and concern about her past actions.

Agency’s Response

"Kim Hieora's agency, Gram Entertainment, has addressed recent allegations of her involvement in school bullying. Dispatch reported the accusations, but Gram Entertainment has vehemently denied them, stating that Kim Hieora was never a school bully. Read on to learn more about their response to the controversy."

Kim Hieora’s agency, Gram Entertainment, issued a statement in response to these allegations. In the statement, the agency expressed regret for the concern these allegations had caused and provided clarification on the situation. They outlined the following key points:

Kim Hieora’s Involvement

"Kim Hieora's agency, Gram Entertainment, has addressed recent allegations of her involvement in school bullying. Dispatch reported the accusations, but Gram Entertainment has vehemently denied them, stating that Kim Hieora was never a school bully. Read on to learn more about their response to the controversy."

The agency acknowledged that Kim Hieora had indeed been part of an online school community called Big Sangji during her time at Sangji Girls’ Middle School. However, they emphasized that her involvement was limited to hanging out with friends from that group.

Denial of Bullying Allegations

The agency vehemently denied all other allegations of bullying, blackmail, and verbal assaults that were reported by the media. They made it clear that Kim Hieora neither acknowledged nor participated in such activities during her school days. They stressed that she had never been involved in school violence.

Investigation Process

The agency explained that the media outlet had contacted them with a tip-off related to Kim Hieora, allowing her to clarify her side of the story. Kim Hieora cooperated by visiting the media outlet and answering questions from reporters. Both Kim Hieora and the informant had unclear memories of the events, which contributed to misunderstandings.

Resolution of Misunderstandings

The agency revealed that, after further investigation, it was determined that the informant’s comments resulted from misunderstandings and mistakes in recalling events. The informant subsequently apologized to Kim Hieora, resolving the misunderstandings.

Nature of the Group

Contrary to the media’s portrayal of Big Sangji as a group of bullies, the agency asserted that many ordinary students were also part of the group. They promised to provide a detailed refutation of this claim in the future.

Legal Action

In conclusion, the agency urged the public to refrain from spreading false information and speculation. They announced their intention to take strong legal action against malicious posts that harm their actors’ reputations. They also called on media outlets to avoid speculative reporting in the future and expressed regret for any disappointment caused.

Kim Hieora’s Handwritten Letter

To further address the allegations, Kim Hieora, known for her role as a bully in ‘The Glory,’ had previously written a handwritten letter to a Dispatch reporter. In this letter, she admitted to being a part of the group but explained her rebellious behavior as a youth seeking attention. She expressed regret for her past actions and clarified that she had never harmed someone without reason.

Kim Hieora’s agency, Gram Entertainment, has responded firmly to the allegations of school bullying against the actress. They have denied the accusations and emphasized her innocence in school violence. The release of Kim Hieora’s handwritten letter provides additional insight into her past and her commitment to personal growth. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how this controversy will impact her career and public perception.

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