Hrithik Roshan’s Stuttering Solution

Hrithik Roshan experienced a lot of embarrassment and ridicule as a child as a result of his stammering condition. It was an individual battle. For a long time, Hrithik struggled by himself, determined to get over his speech impediment.
Hrithik said, “I just wish the stigma attached to such issues was removed from our minds. We are all both heroes and victims in different ways. It’s ok. Be not ashamed of your imperfections. Use them to advance yourself.”

Back then, Hrithik used to think of himself as weak. He struggled in both school and college. Children can be quite cruel when they don’t mean to be. Lack of knowledge or instruction regarding stammering was the problem.

Hrithik said, “I would like to encourage all my fellow stutterers to be confident in who they are and unafraid of speaking their minds. We are defined by our character, not by our limitations.”

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